Die geballte internationale Fachexpertise in Wien packte der unmittelbar als Chance, direkt anschließend am 3.12.2022 eine hochkarätige eintägige Konferenz zu veranstalten. Auf die eröffnende Grußbotschaft per Video von Gesundheitsministers Johannes Rauch folgte ein dichtes Programm mit faszinierenden Einblicken aus höchst unterschiedlichen Rettungswelten.äsident Clemens Kaltenberger bezeichnete die BIC zurecht als einmaliges, historisches Ereignis, das es in dieser Form in Österreich noch nie gegeben hat.


Neben Einblicken in verschiedene Rettungssysteme und ihre Herausforderungen – etwa aus Frankreich (Bruno Goulesque), Zypern (Riana Constantinou) und Deutschland (Marco König) – gab die NAEMT-Direktorin Pam Lane einen faszinierenden Einblick in das weltweite Netzwerk und neue Kursformate der NAEMT.


Auch fachlich kamen die Teilnehmer:innen auf ihre Kosten: so standen etwaFachvorträge zum Airway Management (Jean Cyrille Pitteloud), der taktischen Notfallversorgung der Spezialeinheiten der Polizei (Martin Schlagenhaufen) und der taktischen Alpinmedizin samt wissenschaftlich fundierter Praxisbeispiele zum Wunderwerkzeug Rettungsdecke (Markus Isser) am Programm.


Um die Notfallmedizin in besonders herausfordernden Situationen ging es u.a. beim Vortrag über School Shootings. Ret. Chief Ken Bouvier (EMS New Orleans) gab Einblicke, welche Lehren man in den USA daraus zieht und mahnte alle Verantwortlichen, sich rechtzeitig auf derartige Situationen vorzubereiten, auch wenn sie sich keiner jemals in Österreich wünscht oder vorstellen möchte. Eine gänzlich andere Extremsituation thematisierte Analogastronaut Gernot Grömer vom Österreichischen Weltraumforum. Er sprach über medizinische Herausforderungen von Weltraummissionen und gab faszinierende Einblicke in die Lebenswelten jenseits der Erde. Welchen Stellenwert die Wissenschaft in der Weiterentwicklung von Rettungssystemen und Versorgungsstandards einnimmt, brachte auf eindrückliche Weise der UCLA-Forscher und Paramedic David Page mit dem Slogan„Science is Sexy!“ auf den Punkt.


Natürlich kamen auch der Austausch und das Networking an diesem eindrücklichen Tag nicht zu kurz – auch mit den Ausstellern und Partnern des Events, denen ein besonderer Dank gilt.


Fotocredits: © Stefan Wallner

We are happy and proud to invite you to our very first international EMS conference in Austria.

Hot topics include:

  • EMS response to shootings and crime scenes
  • EMS around Europe
  • Emergency medicine for space missions
  • Bleeding Control
  • Alpine Medicine





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BIC – International Conference Vienna 2022


The program is subject to change. All talks will be in English.




Opening and introduction

Welcome by the Minister of Health (tbc)


Bruno Goulesque

Ambulance system and Emergency Doctors in France


Jean Cyrille Pitteloud

Airway management under special circumstances

10:30-11:00Coffee Break

Pam Lane (NAEMT)

NAEMT’s worldwide network for prehospital providers


Chief Ken Bouvier (EMS New Orleans)

EMS response to school shootings and managing crime scenes


Lunch and Exhibition, Networking


Sponsor presentations


Riana Constantinou (Cyprus), Bruno Goulesque (France), Marco König (Germany)

Panel Discussion: EMS in Europe

Common goals and best practice examples


David Page (UCLA)

Science rocks: Why we need more research in EMS - and how it helps frontline providers


Gernot Grömer (ÖWF)

Emergency Medicine for Space Missions

15:30-16:00Coffee Break

Martin Schlagenhaufen (EKO COBRA)

Bleeding Control for Austrian Police / SWAT Medics


Markus Isser (Bergrettung Tirol)

Alpine Medicine - A typical Austrian discipline?


Ken Bouvier (EMS New Orleans)

Leadership in extraordinary situations




Prizes, End


more details will be added shortly

Chief Ken Bouvier

Retired Fire Chief and Deputy Chief of Operations, New Orleans EMS, USA

Ken Bouvier is retired Fire Chief and Deputy Chief of New Orleans EMSHe began his career as a volunteer firefighter, worked as an industrial firefighter, Fire Chief & Hazardous Materials Team Leader until he became Deputy Chief of Operations at New Orleans EMS. Chief Bouvier served as the EMS Commander of most New Orleans major events including Mardi Gras, 2002 & 2010 Super Bowls and was responsible for Commanding both New Orleans & Mutual Aid Ambulances post Hurricane Katrina. He was featured on the TV show NIGHTWATCH.

Pam Lane

Executive Director of the NAEMT

Pam Lane is the Executive Director of NAEMT, a position she has held since 2007. She is responsible for the management of NAEMT’s headquarters operations and staff, and supports the NAEMT Board of Directors in carrying out the work of the association. Pam has devoted her career to association management, and previously served in various executive positions She holds a Master of Arts Degree in Strategic Communications (Seton Hall University) and a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science (Roosevelt University in Chicago).

Markus Isser

Mountain Rescue, Tyrol, Austria

Founder of „Tactical Alpine Medicine“

Markus Isser is training manager for medicine at Bergrettung Tirol. Is is a trained ICU nurse and has been with the mountain rescue service for 26 years. He is also the head of operations and deputy head of the local department in the Hall area, Tyrol. In 2015 he founded the „Tactical Alpine Medicine – TAM“, which combines elements from the military and alpine rescue.

Gernot Grömer

Astrophysicist, director of the Austrian Space Forum (ÖWF), Analog-Astronaut, TV-anchor and paramedic

Dr. Gernot Grömer is astrophysicist, founder and director of the Austrian Space Forum (ÖWF). He hosts the TV science program „PM Wissen“ on Servus-TV and teaches space travel and planetology at various universities. As Austria’s first analog astronaut, he has already planned and managed 12 international Mars simulations. Until recently, he volunteered as a paramedic (NKI) in the ambulance service and as an instructor at the Red Cross Innsbruck.

Bruno Goulesque

Medical Director PHTLS, TECC, TCCC in France

Dr. Bruno Goulesque is Emergency Physician at the Hospital in Delémont, Switzerland and worked for 30 years as an emergency physician in France. He has been the medical director for PHTLS, TCCC and TECC in France since 2010.

Panel Discussion

Medical Directors and Instructors from different countries

Jean Cyrille Pitteloud

Anesthesist, CH

Jean Cirylle Pitteloud, MD, anesthesiologist. As an all-Swiss guy, he teaches ATLS, TECC and PHTLS in broken English, broken German and broken Italian beside of his mother language, which is broken French … He is chair of the board of trauma and emergency anesthesia of the Swiss Society of Anesthesiologists (SGAR). 15 years as a flight physician for the REGA Swiss air rescue guard and for Air Glaciers. Former staff anesthesiologist and EMS physician in a busy trauma center in the Swiss Alps; humanitarian program with a Swiss surgical team operating obstetrical fistulas in Rwanda in 2012 and 2013; currently heading the anesthesia service in a two hospital institution.

Martin Schlagenhaufen

Head of special medic department EKO COBRA

Martin Schlagenhaufen is head of the special medic department of EKO COBRA. He has worked in the Austrian special forces for 22 years and is TECC instructor.

David Page

Director of the Prehospital Care Research Forum at UCLA; Paramedic, Chair of the Int. Paramedic Registry

David Page is Director of the Prehospital Care Research Forum at UCLA and field paramedic with Allina EMS in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. He is the chair of the International Paramedic Registry. With 35+ years of EMS street experience, David still loves working his ambulance shifts the best.

ADMISSION members: EURO 100,00
REEC and DBRD members: EURO 100,00
non-members: EURO 150,00

Lunch and snacks are included!

In case you are not automatically redirected, you can also enter the link to the booking form directly:


Professional training

  • find out how to deal with school shootings and crime scenes
  • learn more about emergency medicine in space missions and what we learn from it on earth
  • find out about tactical alpine medicine
  • learn how to manage airways in special cirumstances
  • find out the latest about bleeding control


Organizational knowledge

  • learn about different EMS systems and challenges for medical emergency services all over Europe



  • get to know trainers and experts from different parts of the world
  • find out more about the international NAEMT network
  • network with colleagues from Austria and beyond
  • get to see and try the latest equipment and products from our partners and sponsors
Be part of a community that pioneers EMS.


You are interested in becoming a partner of the at REEC and BIC? Download our information sheet and get in touch with us! We are looking forward to it.


According to „Global Liveability Index 2022“ (The Economist), Vienna is the most liveable city in the world. Especially around Christmastime, Vienna is a great place to visit, to stroll through the many Christmas markets, to shop, and to have coffee in one of the typically Viennese Cafés.


We are happy, to give you insider tips on which places to visit. Here are some ideas:

Conference venue and Accommodation

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The conference will take place at


JUFA Hotel Wien City

Mautner-Markhof-Gasse 50, 1110 Wien 


How to get there (public transport):

U3 Enkplatz

Other hotels close by


Hotel König


Hotel Hahn

